Soccer Ball Monologue

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Once upon a time there were two men who were on a hike on a faraway island. They had heard that there was treasure on that island, so that’s why they were there. As they were walking, they saw a cave, so they entered. Their names were Bob and Andresophotheus. When they rounded the corner in the cave, a strange sight greeted their eyes. It was a giant soccer ball, as tall as the field in which it was supposed to be kicked in. But there was something odd about this soccer ball, besides its uncanny size, that astonished and unnerved these men, but they were so dazzled by the sight that they could not figure out what. Finally it dawned on them: this soccer ball had arms, legs and a tiny head peeking out of its enormous body. They were horribly …show more content…

I understand you’re nearly petrified by my size and hideous look, but I can’t help it. I may look horrible to you, but I’m really very kind.”
“Thank you for your warm welcome, sir,” replied Bob, “We will stay.”
“Hey, big soccer ball dude,” yelled Andresophotheus in a surprisingly impolite voice, which caused Bob to sharply elbow him for his rudeness. The soccer ball at first appeared enraged, adding to his macabre apparel. He then seemed to think better of it, so he calmed down. “How’d ya come ‘bout yer superhuman--uh--super soccer ball size?” Asked Bob.
“Well, young man, that’s a long story, but I’ll tell it to you if you’re willing to stay,” said the soccer ball, in a somewhat kinder voice. It appeared that he was trying to speak in soothing, beckoning voice, but he wasn’t really capable of sounding amiable. “Yes, please tell it to us; we won’t leave,” said Bob, trying to sound unafraid, but failing. So the soccer ball told his story: “Long, long ago, before humans appeared on the earth, this world was ruled by soccer balls. We were free to roll wherever we pleased. We played and frolicked and had fun--” “We? You were alive back then?” Asked Andresophotheus, with an enigmatical expression on his face. “We are immortal.” “Umm, awhatawhat?” “We live