God Yahweh I Am Research Paper

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What are people talking about when you hear the words Old Testament? Have you wondered where it came from or who it is about? Who is God? What was life like in Old Testament times? How did God communicate to His people? Who did He call to be His messengers? Here are the answers to those questions. Are you ready to set out on a journey to discover the Old Testament? God, Yahweh, I AM, are a few of the names given to the Creator of The Holy Bible. This book consists of two sections, the Old Testament which is the first 39 books, and the New Testament containing the remaining 27 books, and is the only book that is the living, breathing Word of God, commonly known as the greatest love story of all time. In the beginning God created every living …show more content…

The people who were still doing what was right in their own eyes angered God who chose and called Moses, yet Moses fought with God for a while before he allowed God to use him and he chose to follow God’s ways, and in return God helped Moses lead the Israelites out of slavery all the while showing the people that they should believe in and serve Yahweh. The people were shown His mighty ways for example, when the ten plagues were brought upon Egypt and the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, how God led them by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to escape the Egyptians, or how God used Moses and his staff to part the Red Sea, so they could walk through on dry ground, or how God caused the water to collapse on the Egyptian armies that were pursuing them. Even after God saved the people from the Egyptians they soon overlooked the signs and turned back to their sinful ways, so God sent Moses up to Mount Sinai, where God gave him the ten commandments which became the law the people were to follow to know the difference between right and wrong. There are seven generations between Moses and

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