God's Hidden Message In The Bible

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God’s Hidden Message In the Hebrew and the New Testament Bible it reveals that God constantly reminds his people that he will answer all their needs and wants if they trust in him. Thus, by his plan, whoever follows him shall reach a fulfilment through him. This produces a question, is there a main reason why God keeps reminding his people about his promises? Is there a hidden message between the lines? It's believed that his people can reached this fulfilment if they follow and have faith in him. God conveys that if his people have faith and trust him, he will provide for them. In this paper I will argue that God’s hidden message in these passages is to have faith and trust in him because he can do the unthinkable.
Throughout the short passage of the Hebrew Bible Genesis 22:1-18, God is revealing his hidden passage message to Abraham and Abraham understands. God speaks to Abraham and asks him to sacrifice his son who he loves (Genesis 22:2). The test to offer Abraham's only son …show more content…

The passage is referencing different situation where Abraham had faith. For instance, it refers to Abraham and his wife Sarah receiving a blessing from God. It reveals God blessed Abraham and Sarah with procreation in their old age (Hebrew 11:11). I believe God is using this situation to authorize the fact that if his people trust him and have faith in him. He will bless them with the unthinkable. Correspondingly, it mentions God ability to raise someone from the dead. It reveals that Abraham took into account that God is able to raise someone from the dead when he was about to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Hebrew 11:19). God previously told Abraham that Isaac will provide descendants that will be named after him (Hebrew 11:17-18). Nonetheless, Abraham still attempted to sacrifice Isaac because it was a command of God. Therefore, because of Abraham's faith and trusting in God, God blessed

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