Good For A Dancer Essay

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The rationality of “Good” for a Dancer Human beings are animals. However, what differentiates humans from other animals is human rationality and practical rationality. Practical rationality is how humans decide what they should or should not do based off of levels of goodness. McIntyre developed a “three-fold classification of ascription of good” that human’s use to practically rationalize the world, which can be exemplified by decisions of a dancer. The first “ascription of good” that humans use to rationalize their actions involves the level of goodness as a means to an end. McIntyre said, “There are first of all those ascriptions of good by which we evaluate something only as a means. To possess certain skills, to be afforded certain opportunities, to be at certain places at certain times is a good, if and insofar as it enables one to be or do or have something further good” (66). Humans decide whether or not doing something is good or not based off of the further good that may ensue by fulfilling the act. The reason for an action can be …show more content…

McIntyre explains it as, “To judge someone good in some role or at discharging some function within some socially established practice is to judge that agent good insofar as there are goods internal to the activity that genuine gods, goods that are to be valued as ends worth pursuing for their own sake, if they are to be pursued at all” (66). In other words, the decision to act in a way refers to the extent of good it will bring to the individuals role in society. For example, it is good for a dancer to practice his or her dance. It is not important, say, for a doctor to practice dancing in order to improve his or her role, but it is good for a dancer to practice. The decision to practice the dance relates to the goodness practicing will bring to the dancer’s

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