Good Guys Vs Bad Guys

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Since May 25, 1977, people have marveled at the epic space operas and cheered on the Jedi in all six films. However, ever since the ‘Expanded Universe’ started up on November 19, 1978, the history of the galaxy has been building up as well. Here it can be seen that the Sith was not always the “Bad Guys” and the Jedi’s practices actually are more questionable than they seem. Way back in the day, several colonies of various Force-Sensitive species on the planet Tython formed the Order of the Je’daii (later known as the Jedi). Their goals were to balance the light and dark side of the force. but when the order splits, over a civil dispute, fighting ensues. Eventually the Order exiles a group of “Dark” Jedi into the ‘Unknown Regions” of the galaxy.