Good King Richard Essay

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the poor should have the accession to the law and justice, even in their own language, there are also some indications that he might as well be not so kind to all. The story of the Princes in the Tower, for example, his nephews, removed from the succession and never seen again from that day on, and with Richard as their protector, raises some questions about ‘Good King Richard.’ However, there were still thousands of people lining at Leicester Cathedral, during the week before the king’s reburial. It could be curiosity, but, on the other hand, it seems that there are many people who actually look up to the king as well. As we could read in an article from the Guardian, people came to pay their respect to the King, and to the Plantagenet lineage, …show more content…

Marthin’s Cathedral in Leicester, where hundreds of thousands of people gathered. The day began with a service at the University of Leicester, were the academics and scientists got to say goodbye to their hard work in the last years, after finding Richard’s corpse in 2012. Richard was buried in a very plain coffin, made by one of his own descendants, Michael Ibsen, a Canadian living in London, and also the 16th great nephew of Richard III. Inside the casket, the King’s bones were laid out and packed into position, surrounded by English wool and linen. The corpse was also covered with an unbleached linen cloth which was hand-embroidered with his white rose, symbol of the House of York. What was also placed in the coffin were rosary beads, which are a symbol of Catholic faith. The corpse then was moved to Leicester Cathedral, for the actual reburial service. Tim Stevens, the bishop of Leicester who led the funeral said that the mortal remains were given the dignity that Richard deserved but were denied to him. Nevertheless, references had been made about Richard’s somewhat darker reputation, mostly out of Shakespeare’s text. Victims of the War of the Roses were also memorized and prayed for. Benedict Cumberbatch, who has been identified as distant family of Richard, read a poem to honour the death King: Richard, by Carol Ann

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