
Good Vs Evil Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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The “Lord of the Flies” contains numerous ideas that go hand in hand such as the development of chaos over order and the battle between good and evil. The boys on the island face moral and physiological dilemmas as they encounter challenges and new experiences. Children have little experience with the harshness of the real world as they need a parent figure to teach and protect them. Without adults to provide structure they are faced to differentiate between what is wrong or right and good or evil. Humans are neither inherently good nor evil, rather, they learn and act based on their experiences. These experiences dictate the morality of a character and can indoctrinate them into new values of life and evil. These boys knew the morals society …show more content…

Simon finds the evil inside each of the boys and not a beast roaming around the island. He says, "maybe there is a beast...What I mean is, maybe it's only us.” (89) This was a new idea to all the boys which made it hard to accept after believing in the beast for so long. All of the boys ignored Simons idea and ignored the evil that was growing in each of them. After massacring a pig, the boys decided to appease their evil, "This head is for the beast. It's a gift." (137) The Lord of the Flies resembles the Devil and embodies all the fear, violence and evil that has and will occur on the island. Evil is uncontrollable hate and as each of the boys has evil in themselves, it leads them to the idea of the pig's head is crude and unbelievable gruesome. Simon had been the most aware of the evil on the island which eventually drove him insane. He spoke to the most concentrated form of evil on the island, the pig's head. The head spoke to him, “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn't you?' ... 'You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?” (147) After being subjected to such an insurmountable amount of evil, he has lost his mind completely. The lord of the Flies represents the Devil and he enlightens Simon to all evils in the world. The head tells simon that he knew all along that evil is a part of everyone. Simons run in with the head leads to his death as he tries to teach the other boys of the evil inside them but they are too far gone for it to have an

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