Google Raises Privacy Concerns Paper

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Google Raises Privacy Concerns

The search engine Google has been one of the most trusted websites for questions since 1998, but not for long. Google no longer wants to scan, vacuum up content, index and sell analytics bases on the content of our texts, emails, searches, locations and more, their new target is tapping, mapping, and colonizing the networks wiring our lives (Rosenfeld). Home products made by the company are also being questioned as whether they are “safe” or not. People should be concerned about their personal privacy with Google because is has admitted some of its products and apps were used to detect personal information. “The other morning I looked at the pudgy personal assistant that sits on my kitchen counter and asked, …show more content…

People being online means they are being put into different categories based on their socioeconomic portrait of themself that is built by advertises and search engines collecting their data (LaFrance). Lenders are not only taking advantage of people in financial situations, lead generators aren’t just skirting ad policies from Google and defying state laws, but also companies are putting consumers directly at risk by sharing their personal data (LaFrance). Companies and Individuals are targeting consumers on a very personal level to use their most private Google searches against them (LaFrance). As the large piles of data continue to grow, these privacy issues will become clearer. Information filters base the version of the Internet you see by how much information they have and know about you(LaFrance). When you first start the website it hits you with the big deal: By putting in information you allow the company “to show you more relevant search results and ads, to help you connect with people to make sharing with others quicker and easier” (Turrow). Joseph Turrow and his colleagues did a survey in 2015 that showed Americans don’t really buy the trade-off idea. The survey also showed that 58% of Americans are not aware of what is really taking place. Americans don’t want companies like Google to have access to …show more content…

“Google argues that it has the right to collect your most sensitive data, as long as it flows across an open Wi-Fi network” (Rosenfeld). With all the information Google consists of, it can tell you a lot about the hobbies you enjoy, where you live, health problems, age, and even religion (Komando). Google recently announced a new program linking people’s online behavior to the items they purchase in stores (Komando). The data you search is cross-linked to other search data’s on other Google related websites (Komando). When you are busy surfing the Internet, Google is busy making a list of web browsers you visit (Komando). If you were to spend about ten to twenty minutes doing research on a product, chances are you will see that product in ads on your computer (Komando). “Google activities may affect the ads you get, the deals you are exposed to, the purchases you make, the discounts you receive, the entertainment and news you see, and your very sense that surveillance is natural. Plus Google is only one of a gaggle of large companies involved in these sorts of activities” (Turrow). The more you mix around web services you use, the less likely your browser is to create a picture of