
Gospel Of Mark Essay

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Little is known about Mark, no where does his book mention his name. Mark primarily wrote to the Romans and knew Apostle Paul and Apsotle Peter. The Gospel of Mark was probably written prior to AD 65. No mention of the destruction of the Temple seen to indicate that the gospel was written somewhere between the early 50's to the early 60's AD.
The central theme of Mark if the biginning Gospel fo Jesus Christ. he wants everyone to know that Jesus it the authenic representative of the Father on earth. Mark is not interested in the S birth narritive, buLittle is known about Mark, no where does his book mention his name. Mark primarily wrote to the Romans and knew Apostle Paul and Apsotle Peter. The Gospel of Mark was probably written prior …show more content…

(7:36, 8:22-26 amd 27:30. The Jews wanted a King who would overthrough Rome. Jesue was wanting to subue any untimely judgement of his life and ministry. It was important to Mark to live out and accomplish the entire plan of God, which does include the cross and the resurrection.
As has been stated earlier Mark is a gospel for the Romans. Mark is careful to explain Jewish practices and customs which might not have been familiar to the Romans. (7:3-4). The Gospel of of Mark is brief , clear, and to the point which would appeal to the Roman mind.
Unlike various miarcles in Luke, miracles in Mark are almsot always connected with some definite human need and are done for an emergency not exhibitionism. Unlike Matthew, Mark is concerned with the activity of Jesus and the Son of God who is also the Servant of God.
When we think abour the word passion we find that it comes from the Greek word pascho meaning to suffer and refers to the suffering of Christ. Less than half way through Mark, Jesus is alredy predicting his death and resurrection (8:31-38). One third of mark if devoted to the cross. Proportionally this is greater that any other

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