
Cries Out For Faith Analysis

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Cries out for Faith introduction: I chose Mark 4:35 – 41 for this paper because I love what I think the meaning is; which is, when we go through hard times in live we sometimes call that a bad storm, we don’t think this storm will ever subside and we think we are going to drown and not make it out alive. We let this storm consume us and we forget that Jesus is in control. However, the other reason why I chose this passage was to get a better understanding of what the true meaning is. In this paper I will be breaking up mark 4:35-41 in four groups, and that is, Historical, Literary, Grammatical, and Theological.
Historical question: The book of Mark was written by John mark. Although we are not positive that the author is John mark because the author dose not decently identify himself. We have reason to believe, that mark was an interrupter for Peter, so this helps us think he was the author of the gospel (Study Recourse). We first hear about John mark in the book of Acts, when he is with his mother Mary. He then joins his cousin Barndas and Paul on mission trips as a “helper.” This evidence is found in the church in Rome (Mark).
Literary questions: The passage that …show more content…

This passage also means this. Jesus is always calm, he does not get scared, he does not worry, he does not panic. He is always there for us being still and calm in the storm that we are facing. he can be so clime to us that we think he is asleep, he’s not there, and that he ‘doses not know what’s going on, and we don’t think he will help us. Even though we know Jesus is present when we go through hard times, sometimes we feel that he is not because he’s so camel. However, we are created to be just like Jesus, and he wants us to be calm just like him. He wants us to have faith in him, and he wants us to know he will calm the storm when he feels It’s right. And that is in his perfect timing

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