Serial Killer Essay

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Looking into history you will come across crime and how it has affected America today. Serial killers have been around for decades; with killers they each have their own path to why they did what they did and all the way to when they got caught. Some of the most well known and worst serial killers are Samuel Little, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy. These are some of the worst killers to be known, each of them targeted different people, and got caught.

June 7th 1940 in Reynolds Georgia Samuel McDowell, better known as Samuel Little was born. Throughout his childhood his mother Bessie Mae Little was a teenage prostitute who abandoned him. Into his later years of life Little was arrested twenty-six times in eleven states, many of these were …show more content…

Little has said that when he was a young child he had fantasies of strangling and choking women. Throughout Little’s childhood he was known for collecting true crime magazines depicting women being choked and tortured. Throughout the span of 1970-2005, but it is possible that he was killing from 1960-2012, Samuel Little would target vulnerable women, transgender women, women with drug problems, and sex workers. Little has admitted that he was targeting sex workers and drug addicts because many times police would just brush over crimes in those areas. Throughout Little's times in crime he strangled all of his victims, with the exception of 2 of them that he drowned. In 2012 Samuel Little was caught, when he was arrested for two assaults he submitted DNA samples; that were put into the system. Later in 2012 they used this DNA to link him up with the Nelson and Apodaca murders. Having this evidence officials followed his social security payments to Kentucky, they were then able to find and arrest him at a homeless shelter. During Little’s trial he was convicted of four counts of murder. …show more content…

In Burlington Vermont on November 24, 1946 the villain to be Theadore Robert Bundy was born. Bundy was born to his mother Eleanor Louise Cowell and his father to be unknown. Throughout Bundy’s childhood he thought his mother was his sister and that his grandparents were his parents. As he got older he started to just find this not to be true. As Ted Bundy was growing up he was socially awkward and had family troubles. When he and his mom were living with his grandparents it was not always easy, his grandfather was known to have a raging temper and he may have abused the family, and his grandmother struggled with depression and agoraphobia which is the fear of leaving the house. Once his mother and him moved away from his grandparents, his mother meant his soon to be stepfather Johnny Culpepper Bundy. For Ted Bundy, living with his stepfather was never easy because they never had a good relationship, but that did not stop Johnny Bundy from adopting Ted. Throughout the time of 1974-1978 Ted Bundy would target petite, brunette, caucasian women, that were around the age of 12-26 years old. When Bundy would lure these girls he would strangle or bludgeon them and then mutilate them after their death. In 1979 Bundy got pulled over and the cop realized that the car he was driving had been stolen, so they took him into the station. Once, that did some digging and linked Bundy to his murders they had him

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