Ted Bundy: A Serial Killer

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Ted Bundy Theodore (Ted) Bundy was originally Theodore Cowell, born on November 24, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont in a special home for Unwed Mothers. Louise Cowell, which was Ted’s mother, a little after a month, left the home and returned to her parent’s house. Louise went to Philadelphia where she could raise her son, while Ted grew to think his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sibling. Later on, Ted and his mother Louise moved to Washington where Louise married Johnnie Bundy, a military cook. Although he never knew his father he was always well mannered, and because of his unhinged childhood, Ted Bundy was known as a serial killer. (Ted Bundy- Serial killer profile 1)
Ted spent the first four years of his life with his …show more content…

Carol DaRonch was one of Ted’s victims that survived; he attacked her while he was mimicking a cop, and couple of hours after Carol was attacked seventeen year old Debbie Kent vanished. Around this time, hikers discovered a cemetery of bones in a forestry in Washington, and these bones were later identified as women that were missing from Washington and Utah. Pending with an outline both states communicated, and discovered that the person accountable was Ted. Sometimes Ted would approach women as if he had really had an incident, on crutches or a cast on his arm.( Ted Bundy – Serial Killer Profile …show more content…

Ted felt that if they were going to electrocute him it would not protect society because there were many others analogous to him. Approximately, at 7:06 a.m., Ted was executed, and his last words were, “I would like to give my love to my family and friends.” Less than two minute the volts that went across his body and killed him and many people were gathered outside waiting to hear that he was dead and soon finding out that he was gone, they cheered. (Fatal Addiction: Ted Bundy’s Final Interview 2)
Ted let his excitements control his mind and it lead him down the wrong path, and left him to be electrocuted for taking his emotions out on innocent women and girls. A professor examined Ted and he was diagnosed with manic-depressive, and his delinquencies were probably done during the depressive episodes. Before Bundy died, he expressed regret and remorse for what he had done, and for hurting the families. Ted Bundy, born and raised to be a normal, educated young man, abruptly after a dreadful break up developed into one of America’s most well-known serial

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