Theodore Bundy Research Paper

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Theodore Robert Cowell was born on November 24, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont. Theodore Robert Cowell’s name was later changed to Theodore Robert Bundy after his stepfather adopted him. Theodore Bundy became one of the most well known serial killers in American history because his actions as a serial killer, rapist, kidnapper, and his enjoyment in the participation of necrophilia. Bundy captured the attention of the American people because of his charisma and flair during his escapes from police custody and during his criminal trials for murder. Theodore Bundy is thought to have killed over 20 women and eventually confessed to numerous of those murders prior to his execution in 1989.
Theodore Bundy’s life began in turmoil. Bundy’s true lineage …show more content…

There are many different accounts as to how Bundy was shown or found the information, but it is clear that that moment deeply impacted him. Studies have shown that forty-eight percent of offenders have admitted to having some sort of rejection during their child hood (Simpson, 2000; Hickey, 2002). This rejection was with his mother and his grandfather (Samuel). Samuel was described as a horrible person. Samuel Cowell was verbally and physically abusive, had bigotry towards everyone who was not like him, and he was abusive towards the family and neighborhood pets. It is speculated that Samuel could be Bundy’s father because every time the paternity of Bundy was questioned, Samuel would lose temper (Michaud & Aynesworth 1999). Bundy’s early childhood only partially shows a growing dysfunction that drastically shaped Bundy’s later …show more content…

When Bundy was 6 years old, Louise fled the Cowell household and moved across the country to Washington State. Louise also changed her name from Cowell to Nelson. This had to be an important time in Bundy’s life. About a year after moving to Tacoma, Louise met Johnny Bundy. Louise and Johnny later married and Johnny adopted Theodore. Theodore would now bear the name that he would make infamous later in life.
Theodore Bundy was all over the place during his university years. He was enrolled at numerous institutions and showed no real direction until he went to the University of Washington. While Bundy was trotting through his college years, he got involved with the Republican Party. Bundy used his cunning and charm to infiltrate the opposite campaign of the candidate that Bundy championed. After graduation from the University of Washington in 1972, Bundy attended law school but dropped out after he seemed to lose