‘Safety Homes’ is an authoritarian dystopian story that follows a post-apocalyptic world where people are placed in confined living quarters and are constantly under government surveillance due to the spread of deadly disease. Through the journey of Aster, the protagonist, the story unravels themes of government control and information censorship. The story serves as a cautionary tale, portraying the COVID-19 pandemic as a dystopian concept; it explores the potential consequences of extreme government control and societal isolation, reflecting on the impact such circumstances could have on individuals. Inspired by dystopian texts, such as “ relentlessly violent” and “The Veldt” written by Ray Bradbury, read throughout this term’s module “Reading to Write”, this story appeals to readers who enjoy narratives that explore themes of government surveillance and societal breakdown. …show more content…
This symbol reflects the COVID-19 pandemic, depicting quarantine and interconnectedness within shared living spaces. During the pandemic, there were cases where people were forced to live in designated quarantine facilities by the government because of unfortunate circumstances, mirroring the protagonist's confinement within the building under government surveillance. This building is referred to as ‘Safety Homes’ by the government; the capitalised name suggests that the building is more of a brand than shelter, highlighting governmental manipulation. In his cramped room, Aster is conflicted by suspicious announcements on television, prompting his attempt to leave the apartment. With that being said, this story revolves around the building and its isolation from the rest of the