Government System: Monarch, Monarchy, And Republic

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Government, how many types are there and which ones can you name? There’s Monarch, Oligarchy, Democracy, Republic, and Anarchy. Many people can only name Monarch, Democracy, and Republic. I will discuss the main theme about the video and valuable information about the government system. There’s been great discussion of whether the United States is Democracy or Republic government. In the beginning it said to be a Republican government, but today many people have seem to think otherwise that it’s a Democratic government. Many of the people are wrong and here’s why? An example in the video is Democracy means the rule of the people. The majority rule in which people decide things, but it’s not always good because if they say they want to take anything from you. The only weakness of Democracy is the people aren’t limited to certain things. Well, they take what they want, so that’s why you have the Republic government the law. It puts a stop to certain decisions like not letting people take your house or children. It only gives them certain permission to do things and not allowing unreasonable rules like it says above. These are not the only types of government there about five main ones. …show more content…

You already know about Democracy and Republic as I mention above, but here’s a quick review Democracy is the rule of the people and Republic is the law. Monarch is one person chosen to rule over others, but it’s not really ruled by one because other people behind the scenes help rule. The Oligarchy which is ruled by a group is seen as the government most used to rule over many nations today. It is a total government, so its people have no say in the matter like Hitler. Lastly out of the five main governments Political system is Anarchy which is without government, but it just is total chaos because there are no rules or anything and there be no