Grace Everby: A Short Story

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On a cold fall morning Grace Everby sat alone for the first time in years. With only the sound of the wind rattling through the fallen leaves and the birds flying above her grandmother's farm. She looked into the distance and could see trees for miles covered by the thick morning fog and the old white wooden fence that surrounded the whole farm. Grace was thinking about what she had done wrong. Her fiance that she had been dating for 7 years had broken up with her. With nowhere else to go she went back home to her grandmother’s farm. Her grandmother was thrilled to have her home again. Grace offered to help her grandmother with the farm if she could live there. Her grandmother is having her work with the animals which Grace doesn't mind at …show more content…

He suddenly bolts for the closet searching for the gun. Grace notices he is looking for the gun and bursts out the door. She had left her keys and jacket in the room across the house and has no time to waste so she takes off out the door. Her grandmother lives a mile down the road from John but it is faster just to cut through the woods. While running she can feel the thick air of the night flowing through her by the wind and the slippery mud at her feet. She calls her grandmother and tells her to call the police and tells her what has happened. While running towards her grandmothers she slips through the mud and smashes into a tree. She wiped off her face getting a little taste of tree sap that was on her hand. She could now hear John running through the wood after her. She came across the fence. It is not the white fence but a bigger fence to keep animals in. She looks and spots an opening five feet down. Before she could move for the fence John had spotted her from afar and shot at her. He had hit her right in the arm but she did not feel it due to adrenaline. She bolted through the gap in the fence and ran as fast as she could to the house. She was met halfway by her grandmother and the police. She told the officer that he was back in the woods but not that far away. Grace and her grandmother made it in the house and calmed down a bit. Grace noticed her arm was shot and starts to freak out. About five minutes passed and the ambulance got there and picked up Grace. The police met her at the hospital and told her John was taken into custody. The police went and searched his house and found another box and inside was his true identity. His name was Joseph and his family confirmed that he has not visited in five years. Grace was crushed about this whole situation because she actually liked him. She also thought she could trust him. Grace told herself that maybe she just wasn't loveable. After a while a nurse came in and

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