Tobacco Persuasive Essay

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According to recent estimation, it was found that there are about 1.2 billion smokers in the world today. With all the information on how it affects your health out today you would expect the number to drop. In all actuality it’s expected to rise to about 1.65 billion by the year 2025. On average four million deaths each year is caused by tobacco use around the world. If smoking does not drastically reduce it’s predicted that about 10 million people will be dead by year 2030. With the destructive path its on tobacco is expected to become the leading cause of death world wide, this causing more death than HIV, car accidents, homicide and suicide combined! These implications affect more than just the smoker, but everyone around them. …show more content…

It is important to many organizations, such as the American Lung Association (ALA) to reduce the use of cigarettes all over the nation. It is argued that; smoking related illnesses, is responsible for over four hundred thousand deaths in America each year. In addition to loss of life, smoking cost the United States approximately $97.3 billion each year in health-care cost and lost productivity. Directly responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases and cause most cases of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. So to counter act this ALA has proposed some new guidelines through which it manipulates advertisement as well as the manufacturing and distributing facets of the tobacco industry all over the United …show more content…

The ALA has proposed that all the tobaccos advertisements that are visual in nature should only be in black and white and only show the product package and not the product itself. The ad should also not include any props in it so it would not any persons less than eighteen years of age. Australia was the first country to enforce standardized packaging for tobacco; studies show after a year it’s the country’s biggest fall in smoking rates in decades. With the success in Australia where the smoking rate fell 15% the government in the UK finally passed standardized packs. Although tobacco companies fight this and are being forced to raise the price of their product, the countries are just trying to protect their own people from health