We have finished. We finished the journey. Today is the day that will go down in history books. Everyone will remember the Meriwether Lewis and William Clark expedition. They’ll call it “one of the greatest expeditions of all time.”
David McCullough, in his Wellesley High School Commencement Address, utilizes imagery to convey to his audience that each individual possesses the same common potential. While addressing the graduating class of 2012, McCullough makes a point to emphasize how unexceptional the students are. By bringing to light the fact that the students are all wearing the same “ceremonial costume…shapeless, uniform, one-size-fits-all” (McCullough 1), he illustrates the conformity of the crowd. By depicting the cap and gown, McCullough demonstrates that each student at the ceremony are at the same level.
In her “Commencement Speech at Mount Holyoke College”, Anna Quindlen employs personal anecdotes and her academic background to effectively build her credibility. Quindlen explains how her strive for perfection in her younger years only served to add needless parasitic pressure. She claims that “being perfect day after day, year after year, became like always carrying a backpack filled with bricks on my back” (Quindlen 1). Drawing from her personal experiences, Quindlen challenges her audience to “give up the backpack”. By building a strong connection through shared hardship, Quindlen appears as an authority on defying conformity to discover one’s own individuality.
Our dad would have been 76 today. I miss him as much today as I did the day he left his earthly body behind to transcend into the heaven. The older I get the more I realize just how lucky we were to call him Pops! I wouldn't be the man I am today without his guidance.
Wow, what a great and accomplished 4 years it’s been for us. Heck, it’s been an accomplished 10 years for us. It’s been a wild ride, and as it’s almost time for me to put down my bat and put away my glove, I have some thanking to do. So, thank you for everything, for everything you’ve taught me and everything you’ve made me learn through the game of softball. In my high school softball career, I have learned many valuable things from you.
Today, John Thornton and I are at the Eldorado Saloon. It’s sixty below zero right now and I am freezing my paws off. Every man here is bragging about their dogs. I think I heard one say his dog could pull 500 pounds.
Thank you for this opportunity. I apologize for the delay. I admit that I am not a great writer and should you not ask me to come in for an interview, I humbly welcome any constructive criticism in it 's place. I look forward to your response.
The Unusual Message Reading the commencement speech “This is Water”, written and delivered by David Foster Wallace to students and their families at Kenyon College was nothing like what I was expecting it to be. I can imagine the listeners that were present were just as shocked as I was when they finally grasped the message he was presenting to them that day. Normally when someone delivers a commencement speech to students graduating, it's more along the lines of “be all that you can be” or “You can do it” with emphasis on the word “you.” No one really tells you to think of others first at that point in your lives. However, Wallace did just that.
Hi Sumner, I’m glad to here from you. Yes, I’m back, but I haven’t return to work yet, I’m trying to settle first. My husband and I are staying in Pompano Beach while we find a home for us. Also, we are sharing car until next weekend, when he will get one. So, I won’t be able to help you this time, but I truly appreciate that you thought about me.
Good morning professor Jason, I am not agree with my final grade, I did everything you asked for. I was always active in the class, I did all my homework, and I was on the top with my discussion posts in blackboard and yellowdig. Also, I never saw how many points you give us from yellowdig. Can you please explain me how you break down my grade? Thank you in advance, Respectfully, Elizabeth Benitez
Marching band; copious amounts of people scoff at the sound of those words. I often hear students commenting on how easy marching band is, how we don’t train like the football players do. At Anderson High School, that’s not the case, the marching band trains for just as long. As a band of over 125 individuals, it takes determination, pride, and confidence to achieve the goals we have set forth to accomplish. As a leader of the saxophone section, I know what it’s like to face failure, to overcome and turn it into success and to march on with confidence.
When in the course of my lifetime, it becomes clear it is time to separate and go my own way, and live out my own life. To dissolve bonds I have had with him my entire life. I am entitled to my right to live out my own life, natural rights given to me by our founding fathers. It would behove me to experience living on my own, to help me later in life. I appreciate everything that he has done for me, but it has come time to separate.
Good afternoon, I know you are struggling this year with the group of 8th grade kids. We had our first PBIS meeting yesterday and the 8th grade class come up for discussion. At first, we were thinking it was the whole class but through discussions it was decided that there are about 10-12 kids who are the leaders in making not so good choices. The team and I would like to put something in place for these kids to help this year either by implementing some kind of CICO or possibly a socials skills group for these top kids.
There were various different speakers from all kinds of backgrounds that came to speak to us during the semester. Each individual had their own unique way of viewing the ideas of death and dying depending on what profession they were in. it was interesting to see all the different ways that death has been thought about and portrayed over the years. The whole experience allowed me to see things differently depending on the way that each person saw the subject. On top of bringing in their specialties each speaker also brought their personalities to the guest lecture as well and it was so invigorating to see so much love and passion from these speakers.
The presentation that Billy gave to our section made me realize that sex can mean a whole lot. One of the topics Billy discussed that stood out at me was the different ages from 18-60+ coming into his store and acting different when they buy something or when the customers come in and they might be shy or very extroverted. This stood out at me