Sex Definition Essay

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In today’s world there are different ways you can define yourself, for example, Gay, Lesbian, Bi. These are just a few but there are a lot more, and this can be hard for a person to know where they belong. I believe that once you find your group you can define the term sex to the way you see it to fit. Sex can be defined in numerous ways, and this can be confusing among the sex’s. I will address some of the ways that people define sex. The presentation that Billy gave to our section made me realize that sex can mean a whole lot. One of the topics Billy discussed that stood out at me was the different ages from 18-60+ coming into his store and acting different when they buy something or when the customers come in and they might be shy or very extroverted. This stood out at me …show more content…

This can be hard for people as well but knowing what you believe will help to define what ‘sex’ is for you. This class has been opening doors up for me because I get to hear what other people believe in and I have never had that happen before in a classroom setting. To define sex I believe people need to know on what they like and dislike, and this will make it easier to know what sex is for you. Billy said that you need to experience stuff that makes you feel uncomfortable in order to know if you like it or not. I agree trying things that you might be interested in doing is super important because like what Billy said “how do you know you don’t like it if you have not tried it before”. My response to define sex is that it’s complicated and can have a lot of meanings, but whatever you believe in stick to that, but don’t close the doors to other people when they try to explain what they believe in, but instead grow from these experiences to develop more understanding from a