Graduation Speech: Yucaipa High School Class Of 2016

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I am privileged to be with you today at your graduation from one of the best high schools in the country. I, today am graduating from Yucaipa high school. Class of 2016! To accurately state how I’m feeling is beyond what words can speak. I want to say thank you to all my fellow classmates that worked so hard (or didn’t to get here). Thank you to the administrators that actually worked endlessly this year to help us students graduate on time. Thank you to my family, friends, and teachers (that I actually liked). Especially to my mother, for raising me to do things on my own. To do it for myself and achieve my dreams. As well as to strive to be the best and do my best to be better in the world. Thank you mom, you literally did an outstanding …show more content…

The first thing is change. Change is defined as “making or becoming different.” People all around me continually tell me that time change’s everything. Life is full of change. The things we do in life affect how our future looks. Us the class of 2016 have had to deal with change all our whole lives. We are about to face one of the biggest changes that life has to offer. We are about to graduate high school and go to college. Officially become adults and making a difference in the world. I however strongly disagree with the idea of time changing everything. When told “Time changes everything.” Dr. Gregory House stated, “That’s what people say, it’s not true. Doing things changes thing. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.” These words truly advise me to live my own life for myself and make my own choices and mistakes. We have to make our own change in our own lives. We have to do things by ourselves when we get into the world. To further ourselves, we have to do what is required of us in order to have the future life we have always dreamt …show more content…

An opinion is a view or judgment about something, not based on fact or knowledge. The advice I have for you is to not let someone else’s opinion of whatever you’re thinking about affect how you view the world. As children we are raised on the bias of our parents. When we are of age, (which would be right now) would be for us to go out and see what we believe in. See what we think is right and wrong. Finally, decided for yourselves what we believe to be true. Over the course of your life you’re going to hear a lot of opinions. Whether it be about politics, religion, or even what to do with your life. Do not let someone tell you how to think. Do not let someone live vicariously through you to change who you are. As Richard Pryor once said, “Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks.” What all of us here today have faced is another person’s opinion. Have it been exactly how you feel or the complete opposite. All of us have had to deal with others opinions. Our lives are defined by the decisions and opinions we have. Let’s not let other people affect how we live our