Gram Staining Lab Report

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Christian Gram was a bacteriologist who wanted to find a procedure to make bacteria that previously difficult to see under microscope, appear with ease. Gram became a pioneer in the microbiology field, because of his staining technique that he used on bacteria to increase their visibility in 1884. This staining method is called Gram Staining. The Gram stain is a differential stain where a decolorization step occurs due to two different basic stains. The Gram stain use a primary stain of crystal violet and secondary stain as safranin. The Gram stain tests for two large groups bacteria based on the cell walls. The Gram stain tells if the bacteria is either Gram positive (Violet) or Gram negative (Red). Purpose- The purpose of this lab was to …show more content…

Procedure- • For this lab these few materials were required for the lab to completed, an empty slide, the bacteria B. subtillus, a hot plate and a beaker where we can boil water, malachite green dye, a small piece of paper towel, safranin dye, distilled water, and a microscope. • After retrieving the materials, the first step was to put an oval on the back of the slide with a mirrored letter like, J. • Once the slide was flipped the slide was inoculated by the assigned bacteria by the aseptic technique from lab 1-4, and then heated by moving the slide through the Bunsen burner a few times. • A small piece of paper towel was placed on top of the bacteria smear on the slide. • The slide was placed on top of the grate above the boiling distilled water on the hotplate. On that grate a few drops of malachite green were placed on the paper towel. The slide was to steam over boiling water for 5 minutes. • After the 5 minutes passed, the slide was taken off by a close pin and held still till cool. • After cooled, the small paper towel was removed and the slide was washed with distilled water for 30

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