Graphical Simulation Flowsheet Lab Report

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3. Drawing the Graphical Simulation Flowsheet
The simulation flowsheet shown in the following figure feeds the WETCOAL stream to an RStoic model In the RStoic block (DRYREACT), a portion of the coal reacts to form water. Because the RStoic model has a single outlet stream (DRYCOAL).
Use the RGibbs model to simulate combustion of the dry coal. RGibbs models chemical equilibrium by minimizing Gibbs free energy. However, the Gibbs free energy of coal cannot be calculated because it is a nonconventional component. Before feeding the dried coal to the RGibbs block, BURN, decompose the coal into its constituent elements. This is done in the RYield block, DECOMP. The heat of reaction associated with the decomposition of coal must be considered in

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