Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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As Hannah watched him, Todd watched her, and it was an unusual experience for the man. Usually, he'd demand answers, force them out of the woman through the infliction of pain. Answers that he didn't even want to know, but simply asked for his own amusement, or for their embarassment and humiliation and an exuse to inflict even more agony. However, now here he sat with a woman, truly curious, and one whom he didn't consider an inferior species, but a potential equal, and it felt like a couple of lions dancing around each other. Wary of each, circling, neither prepared to demonstrate weakness or submit to the other. It was fun because, in the end, he knew he held all the cards, and had what Hannah McKay desired. The ability to torture and kill …show more content…

Thanfkully, she did, one point to Hannah Mckay. It would've been an insult if, after all this time it'd taken for them to meet, she'd given her attention to another. Not that Todd was insecure, he just didn't like those who lacked common courtesy. He sipped at his coffee and listed, intitially surprised by her description of Alex, but then not so much as he thought about it. A puppy dog. From what he knew of Hannah, she wasn't in love with the man, was incapable of love, as far as it applied to normal people - same as him - , and wouldn't likely stick with someone who she couldn't control or who made life difficult for her. She had him pussy-whipped, " Though what that provided her in return, he wasn't certain …show more content…

"Biggles will be fine once I fed him; he's not loyal, but selfish. The thing about the lower animals, give them what the want, feed them, house them, the basic of life and they'll forgive anything. All I need to do is bang a spoon on a tin of cat-food and he'll be forget that I left him alone all day. He won't care. A pity we humans aren't like that, isn't it, Hannah? No, you rape a woman and she won't forgive you if you offer to buy her dinner, stick a knife in her gut, and offering to house in your basement with every possible amenity she could require to sustain her life, and she'll display no graditude at all. No loyalty." Todd smiled, "That's why I'd to kill them all eventually. That lack of fucking respect and appreciation? He shrugged, and glanced over his shoulder; the coffee mug half empty, and wiped a smear of forth from his lips as his gaze landed on the Barista. She was attractive enough, and he again subtly appraised her body, then her face. Pussy, cunt, ass or tits, an expressive face was what attracted Todd most to his prey. One that would display every moment of her