Greed For Power In Macbeth

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Power can change people in a way that is incomprehensible. Power can make one so greedy that he/she will do anything for it and won’t let anyone, or thing stand in his/her way. The play Macbeth portrays this well, and clearly and therefore will be used throughout this essay by taking various quotes and examples to show the impact and consequences that the greed for power has on some people. This essay will also compare the character of some that get pulled in by this greed for power, and one that doesn’t get taken in by this greed for power.
In Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth gets corrupted by the avarice for power. The way Macbeth himself get corrupted, is very evident. For example at the beginning of the play, Macbeth seems like the sort of person who wouldn’t commit the act of murder as he has a conscience. This is known because at the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth is the one that manipulates Macbeth to commit the crime. Macbeth has his doubts, but Lady Macbeth coaxes him to do it. In this dialogue between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth expresses his concerns and Lady Macbeth reassures him. Macbeth: “If we should fail?” Lady Macbeth: “...screw your courage to the sticking place, And we’ll not fail”(1.7.67-69). Lady Macbeth then goes on to explain the plan and reassures Macbeth by saying “when in swinish sleep their drenched natures lie as in death, what cannot you and I perform upon Th’unguarded Duncan? What not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear

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