Greek life on a college campus is a major part of student life. Greek life makes students feel like they have a foundation to stand on when it is time to network with the professional world. Yet, students do not understand that Greek life has its toxic con on student’s professional career, which choose to go down that path. The Greek life’s hazing, alcohol, cost, black culture, and Alcorn’s part could or already be toxic to someone 's professional career.
To begin with, the Greek life’s hazing factor is toxic to someone 's professional career. In, “The Dark Power of Fraternities,” author Caitlin Flanagan, a regular contributor to The Atlantic and a former staff writer for The New Yorker, explains the hazing problem of Greek life: “The number
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In, “Bloomberg: Ban Fraternities”, author Editors of, explains the alcohol side of Greek life: “Alcohol abuse also plays a central role in one of the most corrosive aspects of fraternities: hazing of new members in initiation rituals that are often brutal and vile” (208). To put it differently, that the habitual use of alcohol additionally assumes the main part in one of the most tending to cause corrosion particular part of a so-called brotherhood: “hazing of new members in initiation rituals that are often brutal and vile.” For one thing, this part of the quote is saying that tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and action of admitting a new member into a secret brotherhood’s solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order that are often savagely violent and extremely unpleasant. As a result, the alcohol purpose in the fraternities being used to do harm to members, who believe that if they get these letters it would better their professional careers. Yet, it harms them. So the status that fraternities are making is that physical harm is okay to the better professional career that they might not see. Generally speaking, the Greek life’s alcohol reason is toxic to someone 's professional …show more content…
In, “How Black fraternities is actually harmful to Black culture in the US,” author Ali Chambers, an assistant professor of African American Studies at Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC, explain the black culture side of Greek life: “While it is true that BGLOs were social organizations that utilized some elements of traditional African culture and combined them with elements of European culture, these organizations, in the end, used their power and influence to create a self-perpetuating Black oligarchy” (Chambers). In this case, It tells the truth about Black Greek Letter Organization that use to be social organizations that unity, African culture and combined with European culture which is white culture use their influence the behavior of others and ensure favorable treatment from someone to “create a self-perpetuating Black Oligarchy.”For this reason, Now let’s look at this phrase, “create a self-perpetuating Black Oligarchy” which says brings the Black Greek Letter Organization into existence of an organization without an external agency to the black culture group of people who have control of a country, organization or institution. In effect, these Black Greek Letter Organization has power and influence in a someone profession, career because if a non-member, who is better qualified, wants a job that BGLO member is the employer. The BGLO member, who sees other BGLO member