Greek Philosophy Research Paper

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Classical Greek Philosophy

The Classical Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all played a major role in the shaping of the western philosophical culture. Western history has always begun with Ancient Greeks. The Greeks were the ones who taught and educated the roman people than after a long period of time the Greeks were still being kept as records and studied by many other cultures. Ancient Greek philosophy began sometime around 600 B.C. in an Area known before as Ionia which is now known as Turkey and Started with a Man named Thales whom had studied in parts of the eastern world and learned astronomy and geometry.
The Pre-Socratic Philosophers
The western philosophy began around the 6th century BCE in ancient Greece. Those first philosophers are named the …show more content…

They all agreed that all things come from one single substance in which Thales from Miletus, claimed that water is the basic of all things. Then came Anaximander and he was the first writer on philosophy, he believed that primal substance was a different substance then all the other known substance. Anaximenes declared that it was air. And Heraclites from Ephesus, believed that the substance would be fire and Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans believed that the substance would be immortal and incorporeal number. The Pre-Socratic are also known as hylozoist, which in a short sentence means that all matter (including the universe as a whole) is in some sense alive. Due to having materialistic views. The sad thing is that their work does not survive or ever pass. Only partial of their words and some of their theories can be found later in books who were written by ancient authors. Observing was really important in the Milesian school. Thales had predicted that there were going to be an eclipse which had happened sometime in 530 BCE,