Green Party Platform On Education

575 Words3 Pages

Despite the fears of George Washington and other distinct figures in U.S. history, political parties were formed and have remained. Citizens utilize parties as linkage institutions in order to express their opinions and elect leaders who will bring forth policies to support those opinions. By studying the different platforms of these linkage institutions, citizens can inform themselves on what parties, such as the Democratic, Republican, or Green, stand for. Specifically, the Green party’s platform on education is one that is worth noting. The Green party’s understanding of education in the U.S. and its different components is in the U.S. citizens best interest. In their party platform, the Green party specifically states that they support “equal access to high-quality education, and sharp increases in financial aid for college students.” These are principles that all Americans should stand for. Some of the biggest issues facing the world today are a result of miseducation. If we can implement quality education in schools, and support an easier transition into higher education, our citizens will not only innovate, but they will be a helping hand to others around the world who desire education but don’t have the means to learn. …show more content…

I would have to agree with that. I am lucky enough to go to a very nice public school, however not everyone has that opportunity. Factors like where people live, and the size of their family income, are directly correlated with their success later in life. By not having equal access to a quality education, we are depriving students the chance to live up to their full