Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

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Does standardized testing really help our students and is it an effective way of measuring how competent teachers are? Every school year, students and teachers have to stay worried about how they are going to do on state exams and other tests at the end of a semester. Our principals and superintendents are pushing these exams on teachers and students saying that these need to be good or else they are in a bind. Teachers are in a box where they have to focus their time in class on test prep, and students are there studying for hours on end so that they can pass these exams. Focusing all this time on exams and preparation that it takes away from actual learning and activities that kids care about like arts, sports, and other typical teenager things. Kids are not able to be kids. I should research standardized testing because testing at the end of school year is not a bad idea by any means, but it is relied on too much in measuring the ability of kids and teachers alike and creates too much unnecessary havoc in our educational system. I plan on researching several things for this topic. I will first start with our current education system in the United States. Find some background information on our current standardized testing system and what they were hoping to achieve with it. Then I will look at the current situation we have, whether this …show more content…

public schools are in. I also hope I can find something that can be a better option than what we have right now. This will benefit me because it will help me understand our school systems more and if I continue to show an interest in going into education, give me an idea of what I am getting myself into. This will make me a better researcher because it will make me venture near and far in trying to find the resources I need to make this argument effective. It will make me better at finding information and give me a deeper understanding of the topic at