Grief In Iran Essay

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Grief in Iran
In Iranian culture there are a variety of religions, the passage from life into the other side has been dealt with in different ways, depending on the belief of the people. The major religion in Iran is the Islamic, in this case study we are going to explain how the grief process is done in Iran. The body of the descanted must be buried within 24 hours, and it will be washed in line with the Islamic traditions, scented with camphor and the body will be wrapped in a white cloth (kafan) while the prayers is performed. The washer is a Muslim with the same sex as the deceased. After the wash, the deceased is wrapped in the kafan and putted in a coffin. It is a blessing to touch the coffin and help carry it, so it is quite usual that strangers participate and help carry the coffin for a short period of time. People do not share their grief on social media, but with their family and friends. The segregation of sexes is some times practiced, so women do not participate in the funeral of their male relatives. However, most of the modern Iranians do not observe this segregation any more, they are normally just seated separately. They are obligated to dress in black, and the close relatives will follow this dress code for 40 days, …show more content…

People visit the gravesite on these days and gather for special meals. Flowers will be placed on the grave and it will be sprinkled with rose water, there are the same types of prayers going on. If the deceased was a male, the readings will include male heroes in Iranian culture such as Imam Hussein, if it is female, it is dedicated to Fatima. The family members of the deceased are also not allowed to participate in any joyful occasions from the 40 days to a year. A personal example is that one of my cousin was going to get married, however, after her second cousin died, her wedding had to be postponed till after the anniversary of the