Grit In The Classroom: Case Study

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Courage. Bravery. Determination. Strength of character. That is what grit is. Grit is a good thing. It teaches people how to work hard and make that goal they really want. Yes grit has come with a lot of wrong ends but with every wrong there is a right and grit can be change. Grit is not something you teach but something you show. In this essay I will talk about ways you can use grit in the classrooms and how grit is not a talent but a mindset.
Grit shows people they need to work hard in life. Working hard is a part of life. So kids should have a first hand in working with grit. In an article by Miller (2014) he gives 5 steps to foster grit in the classroom. They are Model grit, Don’t grade formative assessments, authentic products, ongoing …show more content…

Miller (2014) said “Modeling is a crucial component in teaching skills to students” (5 Steps to Foster Grit in the Classroom). This is saying that a teacher needs to show that they will not give up on the students. With that the students will not give up on them. Second is, Don’t grade formative assessments. Miller (2014) said “If you punish students in the learning process, then they are less likely to engage with it. Grit requires that there are multiple stages in the learning process and that the journey of learning is valued” (5 Steps to Foster Grit in the Classroom). With this teachers need to make sure each kid knows what they are learning. Grit shows that everyone is different and learns different and knowing that is key for a teacher. That part of grit shows that no one is the same and that is okay. Third is, authentic products. Miller (2014) said “One piece of this is having students create authentic products. When they create real work that has value, they are more likely to create high quality work” (5 Steps to Foster Grit in the Classroom). With this student are more likely to improve their work knowing that there is an authentic audience. Fourth is, ongoing revision and reflection. Miller (2014) goes on to say “If we want students to value grit, they need to see learning as a journey, and we need to give them time to reflect about the challenges they 've faced, and the mistakes and revisions they 've made” (5 Steps to Foster Grit in the