
Group Identification And College Esteem: Article Analysis

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Based on the article, "Group Identification and College Adjustment: The Experience of Encountering a Novel Stereotype," coming in contact with a novel stereotype can positively and negatively affect both performance and self esteem in college life. Written by Matthew L. Newman, Kelli A Keough, and Richard M. Lee, this article states the examination of entering a new environment and confronting a negative stereotype for the first time. The article states that members of particular groups may differ with the strength of the group identity they belong to. The information explained is relevant because college students can face numerous stereotypes at differing levels of identification. The article explains positive consequences of self-esteem being protected and negative consequences of …show more content…

"Group identification and college adjustment" is an article that explains the negative and positive consequences of entering a new environment with a novel stereotype and how it affects performance and self-esteem. The experimental group consisted of about 140 students as they transferred from high school to college. Students were split into two groups; the provisional students, those who were not in the top ten percent of their class but were believed to be college ready, and the success group. Those who were in the success group were provisional students who were able to interact and identify more with other students and college resources. The article also reveals the effects and differences the stereotype has when it is placed on a more collective group, the success group. Placing the stereotype on the success students provides a buffer against the stereotype by adjusting the identification to which the group members see themselves. Allowing the success group to interact more with the college made it easier for the students to challenge the negative

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