Grover Cleveland: The President Of The Gilded Age

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The “Gilded Age”, a.k.a the Post Civil War Progressive Era, was the name given by Mark Twain in the period 1865-1896 which indicated the wealth and the widespread corruption of the era. The “Gilded Age” witnessed new cultural and intellectual movements as well as political debates over ecomonic and social policies from five different forgettable presidents. The president of the “Gilded Age” who serves as the best, in my opinion, was Grover Cleveland. Although this is very opinionated, I say this because Cleveland was the first democratic president since Buchanan whom despite political gain, served two inconsecutive terms which shows that he is trustworthy and he is a leader. He appealed to middle class voters of both parties as someone who would fight corruption and big-money interests.
Then, during his first …show more content…

In his second term in 1893, Cleveland was left to clean up the fallout from Harrison’s poicies that left the country in the worst depression of the century. This was called the Panic of 1893. In 1893, this was the first large depression of the new industriial age causing 20% of people unemployed. Also, During his second election he repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. This disrupted the democratic party and ensured the republican party’s success during the 1894 mid-term elections. In addition, he opposed temperance which gained him support among immigrant voters, and he spoke out against chinese immigrants as well. Finally, the legacy of Cleveland has more to do with his protection of the power, but as the guardian president who helped maintain the balance of power. He is considered the best president of the “gilded age” in my opinion because he balanced the power of the parties, he lowered taxes, cleaned up after Benjamin Harrison, helped end the depression , and he achieved the commerce commision and civil service