Growing Up In Colorado

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Growing up in Colorado is the root of my passion for the outdoors and environment. My parents made sure my siblings and I were outdoors as much as possible, going on hikes every weekend, camping in the summer and skiing in the winter. My excitement for the outdoors lead me to declare a major in environmental science the moment I was given the opportunity by the University of Denver. With this major, I find it crucial to find a specific passion of the environment whether that be the ocean, coastal areas, mountains, plains, deserts, or any countless others. Studying in Colorado is an environmental jackpot in terms of the countless environments there are to study, specifically the Great Plains backing up the Rocky Mountains, the third longest mountain range in the world. However, Colorado is lacking the coastal and ocean environments that …show more content…

Outline how this program choice specifically fits with or would help you to achieve these goals. In answering this question, consider program elements- location, housing options, level of cultural immersion, engaged learning opportunities, program support, etc. - that you have found particularly attractive or well suited to meeting your needs. While abroad, my main goal is to become a more independent person. Most people gained a lot of independence going to college out of state; however, I stayed within an hours drive of immediate family, and an even shorter drive to extended family. DU was also a comfortable choice for me because my sister would be a senior as I began my first year and my cousin played hockey at DU, so I had been to DU many times before. Going into a college where nothing is familiar—the buildings, the environment, the people, the accent—is intimidating. This experience is one of the most straight forward ways to become an independent