Growing Up In The Great Depression By Joe Rantz

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As I read pages 58-59 I realized that compared to Joe Rantz I have had a great childhood and I have not had to face half of the struggles that he did as a teenager. First , I did not grow up in the Great Depression, I had no idea what that was truly like before I read This book. On page 58 I get a glimpse into that life because Joe finds that his family is packed and ready to leave the ranch they have been living in for the past few years because they aren’t making any profit from farming because no one can afford the basic necessities like milk and eggs since the effects of the stock market crash have reached the west coast. My family has been fortunate enough to live in the same house for the past 18 years. I don’t know what it’s like to have to only take what means …show more content…

I don’t have stepparents so I got saw through Joe what they can do to make your life hard. I also have never lived alone with no money and barely any food like Joe on page 59. It’s very probable that I would be in distress for much longer than Joe. Through Joe I got a peek at what it’s like to only be able to depend on yourself, without even your family for support. What really stuck out to me on page 59 was “…his head began to diminish and he found himself creeping up on a new realization. He opened his eyes and seized it, took it in, comprehended it all at once, and found that it came accompanied by a fierce determination, a sense of rising resolution. He was sick and tired of finding himself in this position-scared and hurt and abandoned and endlessly asking himself why.” In my years I have felt sick of being hurt but never have I been abandoned constantly by the people i’m supposed to love and who should love me. These pages give me a glance at what life could be like if I wasn’t living in the current period I am