Growth Tools: Bible Reading Plans For Growing Believers

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Growth Tools
Bible Reading Plans For Growing Believers

Most people who have a growing relationship with God read their Bible on a regular basis. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) In other words Jesus wants us to stay connected to Him. We connect best to Jesus when we connect to His word. It is how he guides, instructs, and encourages us. Regular time in the Bible is one of the tools God uses to grow and deepen our faith in him. It is how we discover who God is and it gives substance to our faith.
A Bible reading plan is a great tool to get started in developing a regular habit of reading God’s word. A reading plan will …show more content…

It’s a meeting, not a habit
People refer to the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer. Of course, a quiet time does involve discipline. But don't miss the point. Your quiet time is really a meeting with the living God. Don't focus so much on the mechanics of the process that you miss the Person behind it. If you want to have a more meaningful quiet time, view Bible reading and prayer as a daily dialog with God, a daily meeting.
3. Don’t feel guilty
Have you ever heard someone confess, "I'm having trouble keeping a regular quiet time. I know I ought to do better, but...? Remember, God really loves you. And He wants to meet with you. Don't focus on guilt for not "paying your dues" to God. Rather, in whatever time you have, focus on expressing your love and devotion to Him. Soon you'll find yourself feeling less guilty and more excited about meeting with God.

4. Be creative, and variety
Even good things can become routine. To keep your daily time with God fresh, vary your approach occasionally. Read the passage in a new Bible translation. Keep a journal of your reflections. Try a "through the Bible in one year" schedule. Sample different Bible reading plans or study one Bible book in depth using a commentary. Experiment on your own, but remember, it's not about the method it's about the …show more content…

Take time to still yourself in God's presence. Give your worries and concerns to Him. Wait in silence listening to the still, small voice of His Spirit. Think back on the experiences of the previous day. How did you see God's hand at work? Reflect on what you've read in God's Word. What is God saying to you? Invite the Holy Spirit to be present. When you really love someone, you take time to listen. How can you have a quiet time in a noisy world? Take the first step. Beginning today, set aside a few minutes each day to be alone with God. Ask Him to give you a hunger for His Word and a freshness in your prayer life. Put into practice some of these ideas and soon you'll discover that those few quiet time minutes may become the most meaningful part of your

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