Guadalupe Hidalgo

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The united states has always had and still does have issues that contain to race and cultural conflicts and you can trace the roots of these inequalities back in the history of our nation. One of the major minority groups that has been marginalized over the years is the latino community. The ending of the mexican american war with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo started a rise of conflicts on the southern border. At the end of the Mexican american war the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. The USA made promissis in this treaty that they did not keep. The US made lots of promissis in lots of treaties in its forming days not only with Mexico to the south but the native tribes that lived on the land in the western US. The treaty of Guadalupe …show more content…

This was a similar reason to why native americans have had a hard time becoming successful in the united states as well. In the 1960s during the civil rights movements the Raza unida party was created. The group was focused on building mexican american nationalism to help fight the injustices they had to face just because of where they were from and there skin color. Along with the Raza party there was the chicano movement and they were also trying to change the way mexican americans are treated. The chicano movement was very similar to the black power movement and was fighting for better treatment among the latino community. One of the first leaders of the chicano movement came out of chicago and was named Oscar Zeta Acosta. Oscar started of by leading a group of independent activists that called themselves the Aztlán in reference the the lands taken by the US from mexico. The brown berets were group that had many chapters across the united states and their goals aligned with the chicano movement agenda of wanting to create better lives for mexican americans. The brown berets were an extremely visible and active organization. The brown berets led lots of marches and protests across the country and often had clashes with law enforcement. The brown berets in the 60s were in the way the held protests to groups now such as the black lives movement group. The brown berets are still an organization today although they are far less active and relevant then they were during the chicano