Torso of a queen in the guise of Isis, is a statue that is from the Ptolemaic period. She is an example of idealism. She represents beauty and womanliness in the Ancient Egyptian culture. This piece is a statue of a woman’s torso covered by a thin drapery. This piece is currently being shown at the Seattle Art Museum. This piece is one that bestowed me with goose bumps. This statue conveys a strong, but womanly feeling that has the viewer appreciating her shape while remaining respectful and in awe of her beauty.
The SAM is a wonderful art museum that has three floors of galleries. Each floor has several different wings and in each wing there are many pieces of art that are all centered on a theme. Each wing displays pieces of art in many
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It starts us off in the neck area with bold and dark lines that create a curve that guides us down to the breasts. The breasts are defined by a cone shape created by lines that are have risen above the circle. Our vision is then guided to the softer and curved lines that create the drapery. The lines in the drapery are not complicated but simple flat lines. Behind the drapery there are soft, concave lines that are almost not even lines. These define the shape of the woman’s navel and guide our eyes to the shape of her legs. The shape below the drapery is soft and supple giving the piece a sensual feel. In my opinion, this is emanates femininty and really sets the tone for the entire piece. The lines in this piece that are the most prevalent actually divide the piece into two planes. This line starts over her right shoulder and then works its way down the center of her body. When this wide line reaches the statues navel it actually becomes two smaller, but still very wide lines. This gives us the understanding that the drapery covering the lower half of her body has the ability to separate and open. The curved lines in the drapery all come to a point at these two lines, this creates a draping illusion over the navel …show more content…
The drapery gives us an upside down V shape. This V shape is unified in its size and composition. There are two long rectangles that make up the middle portion of the drapery that sits directly in the center of the V, right at the point. The breasts are made of two large circular shapes. At the pinnacle of these are smaller circles. These are connected by lines that give us the depth we need to identify the objects. There is an almost staff shape that starts atop the right shoulder and guides us down below the breasts to the top of the navel. All of these different forms convey to us, the viewer, the softness and shapeliness of a