Gun Control Pros And Cons

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The United States was founded off many common laws that were for the benefit of the people. In 1791 the foundation for the United States was put into place when the Bill of Rights for the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791 (Staff, ProQuest 1). The Second Amendment was a part of the Bill of Rights and has caused many issues sense the ratification. There are several view points on the Second Amendment, gun control, and what needs to be done to reduce gun violence. A problem arises when the federal government tries to make certain laws involving firearms due to the Second Amendment.
People can define the Second Amendment in different ways depending on their viewpoint of the situation. The Second Amendment states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (U.S. Constitution). The American Revolution ended less than a decade before this Amendment was written and militias were still very common. Militias, or common men who formed small army units in a time of need, were how Americans …show more content…

In 2014 there were estimated to be between 245 and 328 million guns in the United States. That means there are enough guns for every man, woman, and child to own their own gun (Doherty, Brian 3). With this many firearms in the United States it provides an enormous market providing many Americans with jobs from building, transporting, and selling these firearms. In November of 2008, gun sales skyrocketed with the election of President Barack Obama’s election (Staff, ProQuest 9). There are many cases in history when guns or parts for guns have increased in demand dramatically due to a change in government. When this event occurs it only helps the economics of the country. Whether the government is being hindered or benefited there are questions that need to be answered to better help the