Gun Restrictions

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Addressing a firm gun advocate in disagreement with this stance, one critic of more restrictions may quickly suggest the famous phrase: “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Although the phrase may stand true in some literal sense, we can surely all agree that a person in possession of an automatic assault rifle has the ability to effortlessly kill an alarming rate of many, many more people in a short amount of time compared to a person with a weapon such as a pocket knife. Although the amount of kills last year from specifically automatic weapons were not an overwhelming amount, the restriction of these will make it that much more difficult to abuse if the average citizen cannot have access to any at all. One can admit a simple pistol …show more content…

Although the second amendment still stands strong in the constitution, we as individual minds must take action and reassess our safety by ameliorating long-standing amendments that, realistically, may no longer be beneficial to the system in this day in age. Statistically, the abuse of this outdated law has long resulted in increasingly more damage to our vulnerable communities versus the projected safety from self-defense of other attackers who may also possess these weapons. Not surprisingly, there is not in any way a guarantee that increased access to automatic weapons will result in them solely being used as tools of defense. There is also no guarantee that these weapons will make their way into the right hands at all times with such a lenient demeanor from citizens on the notion of restriction. The second amendment can potentially legally protect a criminal with claims of self defense (with an underlying intent to harm without any received threats) after their involvement in an act of a heinous gun-related crime. Principally, this tends to favor injustices in our society over the logical fallacies. Beyond a shadow of doubt, my personal disposition would lean more toward that of the rational route: to promulgate a revision to the laws and impose actively enforced control - thus banning the privilege of private ownership of automatic weapons in The United States forevermore, to bring justice to our many lost gun violence victims’