H. H Holmes Papers

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H.H. Holmes was a man who was known in The United States of America because of his murderous tendencies. He was a serial killer, the first ever in the United States of America. In the 1860’s, when H.H. Holmes was born, The United States of America had elected Abraham Lincoln to be the next president and South Carolina secedes from the Union. The Civil War is about to start, which means there is strain in Congress whether or not slavery is good or bad. H.H. Holmes was born into a time of war. The Civil War had lasted for 4 years, and the time after it was a time of reconstruction and trying to deal with new lifestyles.

H.H. Holmes was born on May 16, of 1861. He was originally born as Herman Webster Mudgett. Mudgett was born in Gilmanton, …show more content…

From all the fraud that he committed, he, Herman Mudgett had to change his name. He is known known as Henry Howard Holmes, H.H. Holmes. Since he was a doctor, his name is Dr. H.H. Holmes.

As Dr. H.H. Holmes, he had married another woman this time in Minnesota. Her name was Myrta Belknap. He was married to her in 1886. Homles filed for divorce from Clara Lovering Holmes because of cheating on her part. The case was dropped in 1891 because of Holmes being wanted. He had a child with her, named Lucy Theodate Holmes. She was born on July 4, of 1889. He then marries another woman named Georgina Yoke in 1894, while still being married to the other two. He is known to her as Henry Mansfield Howard.

Dr. H.H. Holmes had moved to Chicago, and worked at a drugstore. The address of the place was 63 corner of Wallace, Englewood. It is speculated that the owner of the store, E.S. Holton mysteriously dies of natural causes. Holton’s wife, who sold the place to Holmes then disappears too. Dr. H.H. Holmes had then continued to scam, earning more money. With more money, in 1888 he was able to lease another property, on the southwest corner of 63 of Wallace. It is here where he commits most of his …show more content…

Back at The Murder Castle, someone burned it down. While incarcerated, he, H.H. Holmes written an autobiography. His trial was on October 28, 1895. Holmes ditches his attorney, so he can use his charisma to try to talk his way out of being guilty. He calls the attorney back so he can pin the blame on them. Holmes is found guilty with the murder in the first degree. He has the penalty of dying by hanging. While waiting for death, he says he had committed 27 murders. Henry Webster Mudgett met his demise on May 7,1896.

It is unsure how many people Holmes has killed, but it is definite that he had killed 9 people. He is remembered today as the first American to be a serial killer. In today’s entertainment, his likeness is used in a horror series called American Horror Story. Dr. H.H. Holmes is an famous American because of his notorious murders and scamming