The Role Of Hr Practitioners In The 21st Century

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1.1 Remuneration objectives are those guidelines that determine the nature of a reward system. They also serve as standards against which effectiveness of the system is evaluated. In light of this statement describe five (5) common objectives of an effective reward system.
1) Retaining suitable employees: by retaining suitable employees you would be encourages the employees to remain in the employ of the company and possibly in their position. You could offer a rewards system e.g. fully paid overseas trips for top achievers or mid-year bonus.
2) Attracting the right quality of applicants: this would mean that you would advertise for certain educational or experience needs e.g. previous experience as a PA to a CEO in a financial industry …show more content…

These can guide us in terms of roles to be played by HR practitioners. Explain five roles to be played by HR practitioners in the 21st century.
With reference to Ulrich et al (2012) there are six domain roles to be played by HR practitioners in the 21st century. Below are the five roles I’ve chosen to discuss.
1. Credible activist: this refers to HR practitioners doing what they promised and therefore building trust especially with staff.
2. Capability builder: this means the HR practitioner ensures the support of the culture of the business/organisation, the organisation’s strategies, vision, etc. and improves on these by recruiting those employees whose value systems reflect that of organisation itself.
3. Change champion: we all know that change is hard in any aspect is difficult. A change champion, in my opinion would be an individual (in this case HR practitioner) who makes the change process easier and simpler, motivates and encourages where need …show more content…

What are the typical reasons why organisations have HRM policies?
• HRM policies provide guidance and instruction on what the rules and regulations of the organisation are regarding company property and procedures to be adhered to.
• HRM policies instruct you on what your behaviour and performance should be while in the employ of the organisation.
• HRM policies help management to make decisions that are consistent and in line with legislation.
• HRM policies communicates the values and expectations of the organisation.
• HRM policies are put in place to protect both employees and the organisation from employment claims and support consistent and fair treatment of staff.

2.3 In a skills-based pay system there are three types of skills which are to be considered by HR practitioners. List three (3) types of skills identified in a skills-based pay system.
1. Depth of skill: e.g. apprenticeship for boiler

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