Hachiko: The True Story Of A Loyal Dog

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How humans and animals relate to one another

I learned that one of the ways that people and animals can relate to each other is by accepting one another and not being afraid. Also, I have figured out that if you take a simple and gentle approach to an animal, they might accept you. You have to never give up no matter how many times you fail, just like how Jane Goodall did. In this essay, I will explain to you how people and animals can relate to each other using text evidence. I will start off by telling you about how Hachiko and Kentaro helped each other in the story “Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog.”
To begin, I will start off by explaining how Hachiko helped Kentaro.
Kentaro was scared of Hachiko at first, but eventually got used …show more content…

Jane would learn many fascinating things about chimpanzees such as what they liked to do and eat. She would observe the chimpanzees from far away and gradually got closer as trust was built between her and the chimpanzees. Due of this trust that was built, the chimpanzees accepted her and did not run away. For example, the story states that “ Gradually, as the weeks went by, I began to recognize more and more chimpanzees as individuals.” She dedicated most of her time to these chimpanzees and learned many unbelievable things. This is how Jane Goodall helped the chimpanzees. In addition, I am going to tell you how the chimpanzees helped Jane. Firstly, trust was gradually built between Jane and the chimpanzees. As time went by they never ran away and even came to Jane’s campsite to get food that was left out for them. Also, the chimpanzees taught Jane how they lived in groups and worked together. The chimpanzees would even teach Jane many things that she did not know. For example, “Flo also taught me that female chimps do not have just one mate.” This is how animals and humans helped each other in “My Life With the