Halloween Informative Speech

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Halloween Although halloween is celebrated all over the world it's beliefs comes from the European and Asian traditions. Halloween is a very popular holiday right after christmas. Some religions and don't believe in the Halloween. Some parents don't like halloween, maybe it's because of the tradition having to do something with the dead or maybe it's because they don't want their child out there where something bad could happen. The origin of the name Halloween came from Samhain and later became All Hallows-Eve. It's marked at the end of the calendar October 31st the end of harvest season. Celts believed the 31st the soul of the dead returned back to earth. Celts wore costumes consisting of animal heads and skins to disguise themselves. On Halloween Celts believed that if you left your house after dark you would be encountered by a ghost from the dead. So celts wore masks after they went out, so that the ghost would think they were fellow spirits. …show more content…

All Souls Day is where the church honored the coming dead. On All Souls Day kids and teens would go Trick-or-Treating. It wasn't about the treats, but about the tricking. Celts would put food or wine on their porch so that roaming ghosts wouldn't enter their home. Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward of any roaming ghosts. All Souls Day is a catholic religion and they believed the souls of anyone could go to three places, one being heaven, one being hell, and one being where you're free from mortal sin. Celts believed in purgatory, which is where they believed every soul should be cleansed. All Souls Day is also where people would go to cemeteries and visit their loved ones. Sometimes the cemetery even hands out candle lights to put on the