Hamlet's Emotions

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Death can be an overwhelming experience that can have various effects on a person’s behavior. It can cause an individual to go through various stages, such as: grief, denial, and even madness in order for them to move on to the next chapter in their life. Hamlet portrayed numerous emotions during the play after his father’s death. Many saw him as a lunatic, considering how he spoke very oddly to others, and based upon his actions that were consistently fueled by his hatred toward the people in his life. It is natural for human beings to undergo some sort of change in their life when an unexpected event , like death, forces them to experience powerful, mind-changing emotions. Which is why Hamlet’s behavior in the play is perfectly reasonable …show more content…

Is it your own inclining? Is it a free visitation? Come, come, deal justly with me. Come, come; nay, speak,” as if his own friends were trying to spy on him and betray his friendship. At this point in the play, Hamlet has seen his father’s ghost and has been told to kill his uncle. He is experiencing many twisted and also conflicted feelings that many of us can not comprehend. Which is why in this seen, we are able to truly see how Hamlet’s behavior toward other characters in the play is starting change. He is slowly becoming less and less the person he was before; which is natural because of the amount pain and unnatural phenomena he has faced thus far. If a person was able to stay calm after seeing a ghost, then they are not being true to themselves, and not to mention, other people in their life. Hamlet was also told to commit murder by someone who he once cherished, his father. It is hard for a human being to take on something that completely defies their conscience, and not to mention, their religion. If someone was told to commit murder, and have never done it before, then they are most likely going to think about if whether or not it is the right thing to do. Which is exactly what Hamlet did for a long time, and as a result, he became somewhat mental, considering how his life was being torn apart as the play went on. Like …show more content…

In this soliloquy, we can agree that Hamlet wants to commit suicide to end his problem and all the other madness in his life. Many would say that he has finally lost his mind and would want to end his misery. However, numerous people have gone through the similar emotions like Hamlet has gone through. It is does not mean that he or she is crazy, but rather frustrated with their misfortunes. These types of feelings are common, rather than mental, because once the person has overcome the obstacle, they are able to experience life in a new exciting way. Additionally, due to the fact that Hamlet is able to think critically about these types of problems, he can be seen as understandable. A mental or a psychopathic person would not be able to comprehend the complexities of such pain, and would rather take the easy way out, and commit suicide. We can even see from other characters that he is not as mad as other perceive him when Claudius states that “...His affections do not they tend; nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little, was not like madness” in act 3, scene 1, line 176-178. These particular lines helps us reassure that there is a logical reason behind Hamlet’s unusual behavior. In the end, people can relate to what Hamlet is going through