Han Dynasty Achievements

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The Han Dynasty was one of the primer dynasties in the history of ancient China. During the Han Dynasty advancements were made in technology, science, and art. The advancements of science and medicine, technology, literature and architecture, were key to the growth of the Han Dynasty, the advancements in these categories are what makes the Han Dynasty one of the primer dynasties of ancient China.
One of most important achievements of the Han Dynasty was their advancements of their science and medicine. Han scientists wrote texts on chemistry, zoology, botany, and other subjects. Han astronomers carefully observed and measured movements of the stars and planets, which enabled them to improve earlier calendars and invent better time keeping. Along with the advancements in astronomy and calendars, one Han scientist invented a simple seismograph to detect and measure earthquakes. During the Han Dynasty there were also major advancements in medicine, Han physicians diagnosed diseases, developed anesthetics, and experimented with herbal remedies and other drugs. Many Han doctors started to promote the use of acupuncture, or the medical treatment where the doctor inserts …show more content…

Cai Lun, an official in the Han court, invented a method of making paper out of wood pulp, this was only the beginning of the advances in technology during the Han Dynasty. The Chinese also pioneered advanced methods of shipbuilding and invented the rudder to help the maneuverability of the ships that they built. Also to help their everyday lives they invented bronze and iron stirrups, fishing reels to help them catch fish, wheel barrows to help them transport different goods, and suspension bridges to help travel and trade throughout the Han Dynasty. These ideas slowly moved west reaching Europe hundreds of years later. Suspension bridges are just a small part of technology and