
Happy Teeth Case Study: Max Pharmacy

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The way I would present this product using the F A B method would be explaining the product briefly (Warren, 2012). Next, I would explain the advantages of Happy Teeth over the other teeth whiteners on the market (Warren, 2012). Then I would explain how Happy Teeth would save the customer’s money in the long-run (Warren, 2012). How Happy Teeth does not take as long to use as the other teeth whiteners do (Warren, 2012). I would also ensure Tracy knows that Happy Teeth is safe to use (Warren, 2012). Max Pharmacy is a small pharmacy that builds relationships with each of their customer’s (Johnston & Marshall, 2016). Max Pharmacy spend time picking the right products to put on their shelves for their customer’s (Johnston & Marshall, 2016). But Max Pharmacy does not want to put too many of the same products on the shelves with different brands (Johnston & Marshall, 2016). Alex needs to show Tracy the benefits of how Happy Teeth could benefit the pharmacy and the customer’s (Johnston & Marshall, 2016). By Alex knowing that Max Pharmacy does not want a bunch of the same products on the shelves, he is going to have to use the F …show more content…

For Tracy to consider putting Happy Teeth in Max Pharmacy Alex would have to tell Tracy all the facts about the product. The advantages and benefits the pharmacy and her customers would get from selling Happy Teeth. Alex needs to tell the truth about Happy Teeth because if he does not and Tracy finds out she may pull Happy Teeth off the shelf. As long as Alex sticks to the F A B approach Tracy should put Happy Teeth on the shelf at Max Pharmacy. I also believe the customers will like this product because it works as well as the higher price products like Happy Teeth. This means the customers will see the same results at a cheaper

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