Hard Water By Jean Sprackland Essay

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In this assessment, I will explore the ways that places such as urban landscapes, natural landscapes, abstract and visionary or futuristic places are presented in the poems I have studied. The poem I have selected is ‘Hard Water’ by Jean Sprackland. ‘Hard Water’ is a poem about belonging the poet explores her feelings about the place she lives in. The name of the poem ‘Hard Water’ is to represents the culture and the people who live there. In ‘Hard Water’ the narrator uses water to symbolise place. The narrator is talking about her love of the hard water in her home town. She links it to everything she loves about her local are – the language, the people and the way of life.

Hard Water is written in free verse and divided into three …show more content…

The poem I have selected is ‘Spellbound’ by Emily Bronte. ‘Spellbound’ is a poem about the magic and mystery of an encounter with nature. ‘Storm in the Black Forest’ describes a storm passionately, as if under its influence or spell. The name of the poem ‘Spellbound’ represents magic and mystery of an encounter with nature. However, at this stage, the reader is unaware whether the spellbound state referred to is a positive or negative matter. In ‘Spellbound’ the narrator uses ‘The giant trees are bending’ to symbolise the power of the storm. This poem is about humans thinking they’re in charge of the world around them but really nature is the one in control.

The poem is made up of three stanzas written in quatrains. It has an A, B, A, B rhyming pattern. The form, rhythm and rhyme in the poem give it a sound like chant which gets the idea she is under a spell and cannot escape.

Spellbound is so simply written it's almost like a nursery rhyme. Nursery rhymes are characterised by repetition and so is this poem. There are also lots of vowel sounds, particularly ones rooted in 'o', which might make one think of