
Harlan Sanders Research Paper

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In the past, there are a lot of inventions that were made by many famous inventors. I liked the inventions that people really worked hard on making it, which some inventions are really popular for people to use now in the present. There is one invention that I like better than other inventions that changed my life. The inventor who changed my life was Harlan Sanders, who invented his own famous fried chicken back in 1930. There are three different reasons why I really liked his invention. My thesis statement is about how delicious the fried chicken is, the method of a pressure cooker, and the third reason is about earning how much money from making and selling his fried chicken to become popular. First off, I like Harlan Sanders’s …show more content…

After Harlan Sanders opened up his business, things didn’t turn out great. The fried chicken took a really long time for a half an hour to make just one chicken, which made a lot of people hungry and impatient. Harlan Sanders wasn’t happy about it, so he thought of a way to fix this problem. He bought a pressure cooker from a store, which he discovers that it makes fried chicken a lot faster. Not only that, it speeds up the time to cook fried chicken from thirty minutes to eight minutes long! It helped him a lot to make and sell more chicken so people won’t get really hungry and impatient. The pressure cooker was a great method and faster way for Harlan Sanders to cook more fried …show more content…

Harlan Sanders had collected payment of money for each chicken he sell to other people. Also, he made over millions of money after worldwide was spread from people who really loved his fried chicken. People began to gossip about his delicious fried chicken to other people, which others decide to go there and see how tasty it is. Once he had more than six-hundred franchised outlets, he sold his company for two million dollars to group investors in 1964. In 1971, his company was sold for two-hundred and eighty-five million dollars! Once worldwide was spread, he became very wealthy and popular for his fried chicken after selling a lot of

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