How Have Chicken Nuggets Changed American History

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Chicken nuggets

How have chicken nuggets and mac and cheese impacted the lives of america. Chicken nuggets and mac and cheese has changed American history when it comes to food. These two foods are everyday items in every American’s home today. Almost every fast food place and grocery store has both of these convenient items for you to purchase and put on your dinner table. It wasn’t so convenient long ago for American people to enjoy a cooked chicken as easily as it is nowadays. Cooking a chicken took a lot of work and many Americans decided to choose different dinner ideas. If it wasn’t for Thomas Jefferson Americans wouldn’t be able to choose Mac and cheese either. Thomas discovered the delicious meal in France but at the time you needed to be very rich to eat this meal. Through the Kraft company and a small pasta salesman the Mac and cheese that Jefferson brought to America was made affordable and a staple to America.

First, How have chicken nuggets and mac and cheese Impacted on the lives of america. …show more content…

In an America that was consuming hotdogs, hamburgers, and other convenient foods at home, Baker was on a mission to get people to eat more chicken. His experiments with chicken led him to a break thru with the chicken nugget. His nugget called a “chicken crispie” didn't take off until 20 years later when big time fast food chain McDonalds notice his invention. McDonalds was under a hamburger crisis due to the US government so leaders of McDonalds needed to come up with a solution. After getting Bakers' idea and changing the name to Chicken Nugget, Mcdonalds had a major hit. Thanks to Baker the struggle to get more Americans to eat chicken was achieved and now its enjoyed easier and more