How Have Chicken Nuggets And Cheese Have Impacted The Lives Of Americans

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Chicken Nuggets and Mac & Cheese

How have chicken nuggets, and mac & cheese impacted the lives of Americans? The answer…they are sold for just a small price. Chicken nuggets and mac & cheese are great food choices anytime and anywhere. Some people may think that chicken nuggets and mac & cheese have not impacted the lives of Americans but, I disagree. Chicken nuggets and mac & cheese have impacted the lives of Americans because mac and cheese helped Americans through the Great Depression, chicken used to be very hard to prepare and chicken nuggets helped solve this problem, and anyone can eat the delicious foods for just a small price!

First, chicken nuggets and mac & cheese have impacted the lives of Americans because mac and cheese helped Americans through the Great Depression. According to the article “Mac and Cheese Mania” by Allison Friedman “To families struggling through the Great Depression, Kraft Dinner seemed like a small miracle. A …show more content…

According to the article “Mac and Cheese Mania” by Allison Friedman “And in the 1930s, Americans were desperate for affordable meals. The U.S. was in the middle of a dark time: the Great Depression. Millions of people didn’t have jobs.” First, both mac and cheese and chicken nuggets helped Americans through the great depression. They both taste great, you can buy them almost anywhere, and are a small price, what better food can you get? Next, you can buy mac and cheese for only 19 cents at most stores. I think that 19 cents for a box of macaroni is a great reasonable price and almost anyone can afford it. Furthermore, chicken nuggets are sold at many places for a reasonable price. They also taste great and are pretty fast to prepare. So as you can see, chicken nuggets and mac & cheese have impacted the lives of Americans because anyone can eat them for just a small